Wednesday 5 June 2013

The continuing saga of finding a soy cheese that is acceptable to The Allergic One

Over the past couple of years I've spent considerable time, effort and money pursuing what I had thought was a fruitless search for a soy cheese that The Allergic One likes.  They all seem rather, er, odd to my taste buds and we have thrown out so many.  I have settled for a long time with Tofutti cheddar style slices but The Allergic One often questioned why the cheese served with his spag bol was torn rather than grated.  At long last I am happy to report that he is officially more than partial to Tesco's own brand soy cheese ... it is now a regular feature at family meal times and The Allergic One is able to use the long coveted 'wooden-box-grater-thingy', just like his brother.  

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